We provide several different types of mailing lists. Geography can be selected by radius, counties, cities, zip codes or carrier routes.

Saturation List
Mail to every household within your selected geography. Choose routes by average criteria such as income, home value, age and percentage of households with children.

Consumer List
Mail only to households that fit the criteria you select. Choose criteria such as age, income, age of children, number of children, homeowner, renter, marital status and more!

New Movers
Our New Mover database is rebuilt/refreshed on a monthly basis. At that time the majority of our new records are added and records appearing on the base for more than six months are deleted.
General release of the file is scheduled for the 4th Friday of each month and is available on the following Monday.

New Homeowners
Our New Homeowners file contains the most up-to-date real property information directly from U.S. County Recorder's offices. Because we update the file on a weekly basis, you're sure to get the freshest data available. People in this segment are very desirable because they demonstrate stability as well as purchasing power.

Business List
Our Business Lists include over 18 million individual company names and addresses and more than 15 million senior and middle-management executives by title.